Making it a reality - Tron Package (Part 3)

Progress Report
Since our last blog post about the Tron Package we have made a huge leap in finally making it a reality, we now have our first working prototype!
We had the custom aluminium deck sent to our HQ which looked and felt fantastic, it was 1.1cm thick so it was pretty heavy for the deck but we needed it this thick to accommodate the 1cm EL Light Strips.
Next we ordered all the electronic parts we thought we needed in order to make the lights work with the Solar P1 -- when they arrived we got to work brain storming on how to actually wire everything up; it sounded straight forward but there was a lot we needed to think about and many different wires to organise. We also figured out that the EL lights ran on AC (alternating current) while the P1 Battery was putting out DC (Direct Current) that, and it was outputting a voltage way too high for the lights.
After tinkering for about 30 minutes, figuring out which wires went where installing everything in place it was time to turn it on for the first time. This could have gone one of two ways: 1 we connected everything wrong and it shorts the entire scooter or 2 we got everything right the first time and the EL lights turn on....
Sure enough... they worked! Check out the first photo below:
We couldn't believe it, our goal of creating a real life Tron Lighting Package was one step closer to reality! We were so surprised how bright the EL Lights actually were! Photo's do not do them justice.
We went with the colour 'Cyan' to match that of the colour seen in the original concept render; looked exactly the same!
Once we knew they worked, we promptly attached them onto the custom deck using superglue just to get an idea! The results looked absolutely stunning, something straight out of the year 2077. It really looks as if the light is an integral part of the deck coming from within.
Here is a video of the Tron Package Prototype in action:
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